Men who recognise Amlyn quake in their boots when they see him taking off his armor, for they know that death or mortal wound are likely soon to follow. Since then, he has often taken to removing his armor when the most seriousīattles are upon him. He stood bravely against that knight, despite the fact that he had no sword and no armor. Vengeful 4 Selfish 8 Deceitful 11 Arbitrary 8 Cruel 11 Proud 11 Wordly 9 Reckless 11 Indulgent 10 Suspicious 8 Cowardly 3ĭirected: Suspicious Saxons +2 PASSIONS Amor (Guenever) 12 Hate (Saxons) 7 Honor 10 Hospitality 10 Love (family) 11 Loyalty (Earl Robert) 18 Loyalty (Friends) 10 Loyalty (King Arthur) 7ĮQUIPMENT Reinforced Norman Chain + Helm (12 pts) Sword BACKGROUND & PERSONALITY Amlyn first gained a name for himself when he defended a crone against a knight she had once ensorcelled. PERSONALITY TRAITSĬhaste 11 Energetic 13 15 Forgiving 16 Generous 12 Honest 9 Just 12 Merciful 9 Modest 9 Pious 11 Prudent 9 Temperate 10 Trusting 12 Valorous 17Ĭhirurgery 1 Compose 3 Courtesy 9 Dancing 2 Faerie Lore 3 First Aid 10 Flirting 5 Folk Lore 2 Gaming 9 Hawking 3 Heraldry 2 Hunting 6 Intrigue 7 Orate 3 Play Harp 18 Read Latin 3 Recognize 5 Religion 6 Singing 3 Stewardship 2 Swimming 3 Tourney 1 Shield: A gold cross upon a blue background. AMLYN TRIADADD, KNIGHT OF THE ROUND TABLE, "THE NEKKID KNIGHT" Name: Amlyn Triadadd Homeland: Huntington Culture: Cymric/Christian Lord: Earl of Logres Glory: 7382ĭamage: 5d6 Healing Rate: 3 Movement Rate: 3 Hit Points: 28 Unconscious: 7 They might make interesting NPCs for other people's Pendragon campaigns. They were both rather interesting fellows who became Knights of the Round Table very shortly after it was founded.

PEOPLE Two New Round Table Knights Following are two former player characters from an old Pendragon campaign that I ran last year.